Our provider can help with many common issues, with the following exceptions depending on the severity of your condition, we may suggest referral to a specialist or visiting an urgent care clinic or emergency room.
- Emergencies (broken bones, significant bleeding, heart attack, suicidal thinking)
- Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) - prescription refills are available for some conditions
- Routine care for diabetes (type 1)
- Severe cases of diabetes (type 2)
- Severe cases of high blood pressure
- HIV (PrEP)
- Symptomatic heart disease (heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, and end-organ disease)
- Psychiatric conditions requiring intensive management (bipolar disorder, schizophrenia)
- Requests to complete paperwork or prefilled forms (e.g., Family & Medical Leave Act forms)
Select Population
- Patients under the age of 16
Select Mental Health Needs
- Emergency or crises (suicidal/homicidal thinking, self-harm, or risk of harm to others)
- ADHD prescription of stimulant (therapy and non-stimulant med management are in scope)
- Active psychosis (hallucinations or delusions)
- Substance use in active medical detox
- Any condition or combination of mental health conditions that prohibit the ability to perform normal day-to-day activities
Medications We are Unable to Prescribe
- DEA-controlled medications (including ADHD stimulant medications and anti-anxiety benzodiazepines)
- Detox medications (e.g., Suboxone, Methadone)
- Medications that require regular lab work and monitoring when lab work is not present for review during the appointments
- Medications that have the potential for abuse (e.g., pseudoephedrine, some muscle relaxants)
- Medical Marijuana
- Antiviral Molnupiravir and other medications beyond Paxlovid in the treatment of COVID-19